The cold winter months have a tendency to drag me down, and it turns out I’m not alone. According to theCleveland Clinic,approximately half a million people in the United States suffer from winter Seasonal Affective Disorder (aka the winter blues). If you’ve tried just about everything to keep your sanity during these chilly months, chin up - creating a mini ‘greenspace’ in your home may be just what you need.
Studies show that simply being around nature may improve your overall health.Stanford researchers found that spending just 90 minutes in a green environment resulted in a decreased likelihood of people becoming consumed by their thoughts and even showed reduced activity in areas of the brain linked to risk of mental illness.

So why not create your own oasis by bringing nature into your home? Not only will you be giving yourself a mental boost, but you’re also getting the world’s best, most aesthetically pleasing, andcheapest air purifier. Though having them may around may not significantly increase the amount of oxygen in your home,they have an amazing ability to capture and neutralize indoor pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene that are commonly emitted from things in your home like carpets, ovens, and refrigerators.
My Favorite Healthy Plants
1. Golden Pothos (aka Devil’s Ivy)
This is by far my favorite. It’s flowing leaves subtly reminds me to “go with the flow”. It requires very little attention and isgreat at removing a variety of indoor toxicants. This little devil is even able to grow even in low light settings, making it the perfect plant to keep in a home/apartment with little sunlight.
2. Aloe
Great at removing formaldehyde, this succulent-like plant is also wonderful to have in the kitchen. Its gel-like insides are a great remedy for minor burns!
3. Peace Lily
Peace lilies are very forgiving plants. They’re great to have in every room due to their ability toneutralize many indoor toxicants.
4. Orchids
Orchids are a little more high maintenance, but their gorgeous flowers will make it worth your while.
Kara Montgomery, neurotoxicology researcher, product development specialist

Kara believes the small choices of what we expose ourselves to on a day-to-day basis have a profound impact on our overall health. As a published neurotoxicology researcher, Kara has studied the link between pesticides and Parkinson’s disease, participating in studies that have garnered around $1 million in NIH funding. With this knowledge, Kara takes a critical eye to the products and habits all of us engage with on a regular basis. She holds a BS in Neuroscience from King University.